Dear @holmz : I’m not talking of theory as you and other gentlemans but about what we live day by day and what we listen through our room/systems.
The true is that does not exist measurements that can explain with certainty why we like what we are listening .
In theory everything could be measured but in the audio real life those measurements does not exist and if exist any then any of you that like so much the theory just shows one real example with tests/facts: not theory.
Zero distortion? in which galaxy?, I’m not talking of " illusions " but real life.
If some of you can’t prove with real facts what you are posting then is better to take away that " scientific " attitude and come back to the " land " come back to live your real life.
@erik_squires posted: " To your own self and your own ears/brain be true, "
Today we listen and experience what we have we can’t listen to " illusions " or hypothesis.
It’s true that in the same quality range of design several amps with more or less similar measurements will sound alike but never the same. I think that we have to use our common sense at the end science came and comes by the common sense those gentlemans used to their results.
I think and said several times that to be truer or nearer to the recording we have to have every kind of developed distortions at minimum. Even that two different room/systems coul have distortions at minimum will not sound the same: different kind of distortions/colorations.
I can know yet measures in a preamp/amp can tell us hw that units sounds for our brain. Could you or any one explain it with facts?