Tweaks, money pit or real value?

I’ve had my share of tweaks from isolation devices to contact enhancers. The thing that seems to always follow them is how soon I seem to not recognize the improvement anymore. Initially wow that sounds incredible and then after awhile acclimation sets in and here we go again. Maybe not quite like that, but at times yes. I’ve come to the conclusion tweaks are a money pit and my wallet is a lot less valuable than it once was. 😂 


Out with all the 'tweaks,' no more audio rack, footers, dedicated AC lines, AC power conditioners, room treatments, back to generic power cords, IC's, speaker cables, digital cables, streaming out of general service computers and no cares about streaming network, linear and internal power supplies, capacitors, resistors, transformers, etc., all manner of vinyl setup tweaks, all don't matter. Man, I can't wait to hear my new 'improved' system.


And since this all doesn't matter, how bout just getting rid of any equipment considered audiophile as it's essentially tweaked generic equipment.


So, tell me exactly what is considered tweaks? One person's tweaks are another's essentials. Throwing out the baby with the bath water may be problematic.

Some tweaks work better than others in my system.

If it doesn't work for me, I return it for a refund or sell it off.


When you look at the cost of a lot of so-called tweaks these days, better to deny yourself three or four of those, save the $$ you would have spent, and then treat yourself to a nice new component, which won't cost any more than that.


The thing that seems to always follow them is how soon I seem to not recognize the improvement anymore. Initially wow that sounds incredible and then after awhile acclimation sets in and here we go again.

Isn't that just human nature? Once acclimation takes place we generally want more of no matter what that is. In the car world, 450HP is pretty good. Yet its not long before we are looking for 500HP. So the question has to be asked, Did the tweaks work?  OR, did  you just take them for granted and now  want more?

I agree with the poster who said he takes them out to see if there is a difference. This is the way I assess any equipment change. I am a believer in tweaks because I know they have brought my system to a better level. But tweaks do not change the sound characteristics of the system like a change of preamp or Dac might do. Instead, they enhance the goodness of the system's sonic signature.  Many times the sound stage  grows larger, the instruments easier to place on that stage and micro details that become evident. I wonder if this is why some do not recognize. these changes because they may have a preconceived idea that the sonic signature  will change. And when they don't hear that change, they dismiss it as a failure. Then, there are also those high $$$ tweaks which will give you $50 worth of change  for the price of $400. I don't want tweaks like that. That is called over payment.which will often present the black cloud of a bad decision which overshadows any improvement it may have made.