Question about Class A

So I read all the time how awesome Class A Amps/Integrated's (SS and Tube) are.

I currently have a Vincent SV-500 Hybrid and feel it sounds really good.

But I have this itch now to hear what Class A would sound like and would it be a big difference to my current Vincent.

I wanted to ask what are some good Class A Integrated's that I could look into?

I know Pass Labs always comes up and for good reason but those might be a bit out of my budget.

I would say I can probably go to $3K new or used.

Sugden is another brand that I have researched a lot and the A21 retails for around $2500 and there is a dealer in Socal that carries it, so that one is tempting.

Vincent has the SV-237 MK II but I think that is only Class A for the 1st 10 watts into 8-ohms and I have 4-ohm speakers so I am not sure if that would give me any Class A magic. I am sure it would sound similar to my SV-500 but have more base extension.

Could you all recommend any other one's? I have been researching but haven't come across any (SS or Tube).




I did list some of my components earlier in the thread but here is what I am working with:

- Martin Logan Motion 40 Speakers
- MoFi Studio Deck TT w/Hana SL MC
- Questyle CMA400i DAC
- Playing with 2 different phono pre-amps at the moment (Moon 110lp V2 and Jolida JD9 MK II)
- Technics SL-G700 SACD
- Windows PC used for Streaming (Qobuz) and Library of music (Flac, DSD) using Jriver


My room is about: 20' x 11' Cathedral Style Ceilings

The reason I mentioned the switch is because I really like my Vincent too and would like to utilize it sometimes.


Another option is a used class A amp,

-Luxman L series from the early 80's they are quite good and reasonable cost. also one of the higher powered class A amps out there at 50wpc. they also do not go into class AB/B.  L530,L540,L560 these amps are the predecessor to the new production Class A amps like the L590axii.  note the L560 was the last and best but rare outside Japan, i had one and its very good if you can find one (110v though). 

-Older Pass alpha series. 

-older krell 

-sungden of course. 




Glad to hear that you bought the Sudgen A21SE. IMO there is also build quality to be considered when a purchase is made, and so in this case you won't have any regrets. I think that in integrated designs, the pre and power sections can be optimized for each other as intended by the designer.

  I have owned more than one great sounding piece of gear only to have it dump because of corner cutting in quality. Ever since, I am as interested in the build quality as to performance and even price.

@jay73 Sorry I missed the requested info.

I would listen to the Sudgen for a while. Let it break in. Let yourself adjust to it. After some 100 hours swap back the Vincent. Then revisit your thoughts.




Yes, you are correct, that is what I will need to do. Spend quality time with it and get a good sense of what it can do and then compare back to the Vincent.