Schiit Freya + Class A in Stereophile

I know there are a lot of audiophiles who don't think sterophile knows what they are talking about but I think its' pretty impressive that a 1000 preamp is put in the same category as 50K and up.  I can't really believe that the Freya + is that good.  I have one and do think it's pretty amazing for all that you get and you can really make it even better with some better tubes.  I am constantly blown away at the sound of the Freya + into the Decware Zen triode amp. 2K for the combo and just about the best sound I have ever had in my home.  Great news for less well heeled audiophiles.  


It's my understanding that the issues that contain the Recommended Components section sell off the newstand in much higher numbers than the other issues.  They're bought by people looking for a quick fix and have decided to take a step up from Consumer Reports.

They do not have enough categories (ABCD) to get a ranking.  Its an A recommendation, not a ranking.

I've had an original version Freya for years and it astonishes me with how great it sounds every day...NOS GE 6SN7GTBs boogie my sneakers away.

Fwiw I own a stereophile "a" piece of kit ( AQ dragonfly cobalt) and can vouch that it does perform well and sound great. It may be the one of their cheapest recommendations but it has surprised a couple listeners with it's SQ.