Sad to say I need a new amp…

My twenty year old Mesa Tigris went up in smoke last week. It’s so thoroughly overbuilt I thought she would last forever. Lots of smoke and strong pungent odor, actually has to air the house out. I’ll call Mesa but think it’s time for a change…

The Mesa was hooked up to some Totem mites and a small REL subwoofer in my bedroom/office. So far, I’ve done some reading and have come up with some possible replacement. After my smoke out, I’m thinking solid state in the bedroom… I use a little audioengine Bluetooth receiver for my source in my office..

Exposure 2510, VanAlstine SET 120, Belles Aria and Rega Brio all sound like they would work well. Appreciate any input on these or others. Hoping to keep the cost under 2500.  I listen mostly to jazz, classical music..




Keep it and find a competent, tube amp tech. Mesa probably doesn't support it any longer. If a shop can get the schematic, there may be hope.

You may get lucky and the replacement of a costly transformer(maybe not) or whatever isn't too cost prohibitive. 


You have a good short list of SS already. If I were in your place, it would depend on the ability to get some test drives with some candidates and my willingness to eat some shipping costs in the process. The Music Room would give you two weeks with gear they're selling.

As far as names go, if I were to just add a few used options to your list, I'd look at this list :

at PS Audio, Bryston, Parasound A21+, Peachtree GaN400, Balanced Audio Technology  


I feel for you. I lost my old Belles 400A last week. Power section somewhere failed and ’went up in smoke’. Dragged it into a local shop who used to be a Belles dealer, and he won’t touch it, saying I have to send it to David. Damn. Well, new equpment is 6-8 weeks out for David, let alone an old 400A showing up at his shop for possible repair.

So, for the time being, I picked up a B&K ST3030 that arrived Monday (was also advertised here). Actually sounds pretty good. But, have already talked to Johnny Rutan about getting a new Belles Signature amp (6-8 weeks out) and perhaps looking into the 400A repair down the line....or not. The Signature is a bit more money than the Aria, but Johnny seems pretty ’high’ on it, and it would match well with the new Belles Signature preamp I just got.

Or, just relax, enjoy the B&K, and think a bit about my next move.

You might want to get a good ’beater’ amp as well until you make a final decision, it could always serve as a back-up in the future. I bought the B&K for $325 shipped, not bad for a musical 200 wpc Mosfet amp. I knew I should have had a back-up in waiting with an old amp like the 400A. Lesson leaned.