King Crimson

The only knowledge I had of King Crimson was my first LP bought self titled Bad Company, and reading the bass player Boz came from Crimson. Fast forwarded 50 years and I am now hearing for the first time "in the court of the Crimson King". I know I wouldn't have liked what I love today, when I was 13. Amazing players and composers! Court is not dismissed, please remain seated. 


Yes it does! My general rule is that the OP’s are always better than any famous producer’s remake. Wilson is different, IMO. His Crimson and Tull mixes are for the most part all outstanding as well as the Roxy Music First Album. Can’t speak about Yes because that band always bored me.

@middlemass - I like most re-masters by 'famous producers' I've heard, like Giles Martin's Beatles releases, but you are right - Steven Wilson is a different thing altogether, probably because he is also so busy creating, releasing, and touring his own music in his various different projects. I've got that Roxy box set as well - great stuff!! 

For some great King Crimson try Radical Action to Unseat the Hold of Monkey Mind(guaranteed it will do that) 3CDs and. Blu-ray of their 2015 tour the sound is fantastic.