Sad to say I need a new amp…

My twenty year old Mesa Tigris went up in smoke last week. It’s so thoroughly overbuilt I thought she would last forever. Lots of smoke and strong pungent odor, actually has to air the house out. I’ll call Mesa but think it’s time for a change…

The Mesa was hooked up to some Totem mites and a small REL subwoofer in my bedroom/office. So far, I’ve done some reading and have come up with some possible replacement. After my smoke out, I’m thinking solid state in the bedroom… I use a little audioengine Bluetooth receiver for my source in my office..

Exposure 2510, VanAlstine SET 120, Belles Aria and Rega Brio all sound like they would work well. Appreciate any input on these or others. Hoping to keep the cost under 2500.  I listen mostly to jazz, classical music..




I would get the VanAlstine. I bought a Synergy 450 used, off his website as a backup to my tube monos. I love it and it sounds great with both my tube pre amps. Talk about value for your dollar. Highly recommended. I love the simplicity of the black case and single rocker switch. If I was in the market for equipment now I would look again at AVA. 

NAD M10? Lots of functionality, incl all the streaming options you’d want.  The non-masters version (can’t remember the model number) a less expensive option

Have fun, there’s so much amazing equipment out there in your budget range


Have a great day!



Gentlemen, I am in New Jersey if you want me to repair your components.
PM me - Peter

Look at the Heed Elexir. Sounds better than it has a right to and designed to be left on 24/7. Very good headphone jack and MM phono stage as well. I think Heed builds SS stuff for people who like tubes. 

Thanks all. Yes, the Mesa had 28watts in full pentode mode and killed it with rock and electric music. Could startle you sometimes. Btw, you could switch the sound to triode, at least to me with some records, piano was great in triode. Never had an issue, three new sets of Mesa tubes over 20 years..