Tube amp question

I am a novice tube amp owner. I have had my Black Ice Audio Fusion F22 for not quite a year. I want to understand plate voltage and how it impacts tubes or vice versa. I want to roll the tubes to the KT150's which Black Ice has said can be used without issue. The plate voltage of the amp is 500v. In other posts, someone said that KT150's require a minimum of 600v at the plate. Since Black Ice says their amp can use them, does this rating depend on the circuit? I have some basic understanding of electronic circuits and I googled plate voltage but I'm still not clear on what it is exactly. Can someone knowledgeable with tube amps help me understand this? Thanks!


I'm not expert but I think if you run the KT150s at the 6550 milliamp setting you may not be getting everything out of that tube, power wise. It will still work and last a long time but you perhaps will not get the benefit of higher power. Somebody smart will come on line and post the accurate details....

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KT150's require 600 volts at the plate. If you are not able to supply that voltage, i cannot believe you would be getting the best SQ from this tube. Bigger question is whether the transformers on your amp will suffer?