peachtree gan 400 is very good

you know this is class d - i know its been talked about for better or worse and it might be a little passe already - in terms of whats hot right now. But this happens to be a very good amplifier.

It does the subtle things really well - it wont dazzle you at all - its charming though

it really grows on you - at first your like -"whats so special about this amp - another let down" - then after a couple of weeks of listening - (i know a couple of weeks) it

it started to reveal its liquidity and charmingness - remember nothing is thrusted at you - so its hard to pinpoint because in the beginning, the amp sounds so ordinary

but if you are patient - you get rewarded (not in razzle dazzle)  but in everything you play sounding good (again if the recording is good)

its as good as any tube amp - for the same price - its cleaner and just as good tonally


I have the GaN400 and the PreDAC combo and am very happy customer. It’s a big step up from what I had before which was the Peachtree Nova 300. Big in terms of soundstage. Just sounds like a wider soundstage. I’m guessing the new Dac may have something to do with that. Currently using my sons Focal 948’s. My normal setup is the Cornwall III’s. Both speaker setups sound amazingly great. But I do agree with recording quality. It will reveal a bad record that’s for sure. 

Great post OP.  

I love how much Class D has improved in the last 10 years. 

At some point I might pick up the Peachtree GAN amplifier.  The LSA Voyager GAN sounds to me like the love child of a high caliber contemporary tube amp and excellent class A solid state amp - minus the balls to the wall low end.  I either hated or was not greatly moved by prior class D designs I had heard.  No more hernias, no more clumsy tube biasing with my class D amp.  The GAN class D amps are not uour fathers class D amplifiers.

 the forgetting about how the system sounds and immersing myself in the music is very confronting to me. im so use to tinkering for the last 28 years - listening to music just for the music and not worrying about the system and the cables and the dacs and the speakers and the power conditioners and the power cables and the interconnects and isolation platforms and the racks and the stands and the flooring and the room treatments - etc . When i have a solid state system - i want tubes - when i have tubes - i want solid state

its a nice break - lets see how long it lasts