The panic selling of tube audio had begun.

I think it is a bit crazy. I run tube gear sometimes 12 hours a day and hardly ever have to replace any tubes. My tube amplifiers have been mostly as reliable as stones and maybe more so than my SS gear since I've had failures with that. And none with any of the 70 or so tube amps pres etc I have owned over the last 35 years. I design loudspeakers so run my amps much and have to have a wide selection of types. Still while sad for those who panic easily it's an opportunity to pick up low priced tube kit and after a week or so I will most likely be making some lower offers on ads till I get a bite. So if thinking of selling your tube gear because you feel no more tubes ever please do so I have my eyes on a few amps maybe it will be yours.


@grislybutter   Night after night I watch the news on the war.  And night after night I feel guilty.  You are right--many of us, for now, live our middle class lives and are for the most part insulated from the atrocities that you and the Ukrainian people endure.

So how can we help?

Several years ago, I purchased a number of 6H30P-DR NOS Russian military tubes and still have a stash of about 24 of these.  I bought them when I had BAT equipment along with a full complement of 6C33-D Russian NOS output tubes as spares.  Presently, I have no use for them, but haven't thought of selling them yet.  I have S.S. and tube-related equipment (amp and preamp) which I also have spare NOS tubes for, as I felt I'd like to have them since they're no longer made, or their NS replacements may not be of similar sonics or reliability.  I have found that in most cases, tube equipment and tubes themselves are pretty reliable.  I do believe that tubes wear-out, (especially output and power-supply rectifier-tubes), before they give up the ghost so to speak.  Usually, dynamics in my experiences suffer prior to their demise.  But other than that, selling off tube equipment just because of tube-shortages might be a bit hasty !  If you have small-signal tubes, you can usually expect to get ~4000 - 6000 hours of play before they "break" or start sounding worn.  Some can go notably longer !  Output tubes and rectifier tubes in my opinion are good for ~2000 - 3000 hours before they start to sound worn.  Some rectifier tubes seem to never "break" (Mullard GZ-37's for example) and although I've seen some test still OK, when replaced the difference in dynamics is not subtle.  Your "individual milage may vary" as this is just my opinion...  

Happy Listening ! ! !  


"Suddenly,hate is in vogue."

Not that sudden. If it were not already lingering just below the surface, it would not have so manifested suddenly and magnificently. Hate is now not only in vogue but codified.  Meanwhile, the US has done exactly what the Russian government has done with the aid of it's vassals countless times since WWII. In fact, in the 19th century the US outright stole the sovereign nation of Hawaii without even bothering to falsify a premise. But hey, it was going to waste populated by a bunch of inferior brown skinned heathens so....

So how can we help?

There are many, many charities set up to help the Ukrainian refugees and those who chose to stay and fight for their country, their homes, and their freedom get the basics of shelter, food, and medicine they need to live.

Please, take a minute and donate to the charity of your choice.

For less than the price of a tube, you will literally be saving someone’s life. Most likely a mother and/or child displaced or trapped in this nightmare.