I miss my Loudness Button and Tone Controls....

So I recently upgraded my system to a Rogue Audio Sphinx integrated amplifier, V2.

Prior to this purchase I was using a NAD C162 preamp, and an Emotive UA-200 amplifier.

After a month of listening, I have to say, I miss the tone controls and the loudness feature on the old NAD pre-amp, especially when listening at lower volumes. The Rogue amp sounds great when played at a minimum of 50% of its output, but at lower volumes, it just seems flat. I do use a sub (SVS SB-2000 pro, and I'm using a very efficient speaker (Zu Audio DW's).

I've toyed with the idea of buying an EQ of some sort that has a bypass so that I can boost some of the frequencies when listening at lower volumes, and then bypass when I listening at higher volumes.

Any thoughts on this? Anyone experience anything similar? I'm about to pack and sell the Rogue amp, as the cons outweigh the pros for me.




acoustic research made a 'Stereo Remote Control'.

remote volume, remote balance, mute no loudness or tone controls, switched power outlet up to 600 watts.


"loudness’ is sooooo misunderstood, back then, and more so now. a ridiculously named feature.

It is not a button or switch per se, but an EQ circuit that is engaged or not, via button/switch/potentiometer connected to the loudness eq circuit.

It should ONLY be engaged below your ’low normal’ volume.

It should be progressively engaged as volume decreases below ’low normal’.

The PROPER coordination of the ’normal volume control’ and the ’loudness volume control’ (or loudness circuit on/off) was/is tricky. Some vintage amps had two volume controls, one to use only for low volume listening.


The Chase unit I mentioned has been mis-applied by many, they hate, some trickily disable the loudness circuit.

proper setup:

1. Chase at factory default volume (no ’loudness’ is involved at default).

2. Preamp or Integrated volume set to ’your normal low’, i.e. focused listening, just not loud.

3. Use ONLY the Chase for Volume after setting #2 above.

4. Chase UP is simply less attenuation.

5. Chase Down begins and progressively engages their adaptation of ’Fletcher Munson Loudness EQ’ as volume is reduced (further attenuated).

NOTE: If you raise the Preamp or Integrated above ’normal low’, and lower the Chase unit to get ’normal low’, then the ’loudness’ is engaged at normal volumes, thus tubby bass, simply misunderstood, mis-used..


Inexpensive Sound Meter (get one with a tripod mount hole on the bottom)


I feel like an idiot for not getting one of these earlier. So easy, so revealing, such help.

You need a source of individual frequency bands to measure/chart against each other, see the results of changes, positioning, treatments, level controls, tone/balance controls.

This CD including 29 tracks of 1/3 octave tones is my favorite




’Loudness’ is for any system, any speakers, in any space.

fundamental to maintaining involvement at low volumes, i.e. bass player in a Jazz group. sparkle of triangles ... It should be progressively engaged as volume lowers.

Good description...

LOUDNESS is very well done circuit with the Sansui AU 7700...

I forget to use it because my room is so acoustically good that even at near listening (3 feet) i forget to use it BUT i just test it now, typing these words and i have 2 choices? : boosting only bass or boosting bass and the highs...At very low volume it is very interesting to use them....

I dont need it and i forget about them because even if i listen at lower volume i dont feel i need it.... But It is impossible to contest his usefulness in normal non controlled room...

Contrary to a well know opinion even at near listening passive material treatment and acoustic mechanical control of the room make a huge difference on sound quality and perception....it is one of the general opinion that is trusted but is FALSE, when listening at three feet of the speakers like me half of the time, the difference in near listening was HUGEif i compared  before and after room control especially and room treatment...But even there i will reminf myself like noiw that at very low level it is a useful feature this loudness button indeed...


If you needs a loudness button or tone controle or equalizer throw your set at ebay.

Too harsh opinion or too uncompromising one are take us often is simplification and misunderstood...

loudness button is not a feature on under par lower designed product generally, especially in the golden age of audio where designer expanse without calculating so micvh on quality parts in their war to take the market.... I know that Sansui is generally well designed...

loudness button may be very useful for people who are in the obligation to listen very low because of their partner or by their own choice....