Amp Upgrade Path?

Or maybe the question should be: What am I missing? I'm relatively new to the tube world. About a year and a half ago I bought a used Rogue CM1 (KT120 power tubes) and have steadily upgraded sources and cables....and enjoying it very much.
I'm at what I guess I would call full circle again...meaning my sources are here to stay for the immediate near future and I'm back to thinking speakers and amps.
As I gather, different power tubes have different sonic signatures and I just don't have a reference to what that means.
Is a Prima Luna better then a CM1?
maybe an Air Tight?
And then there is configuration: Power amp with a preamp? Mono Blocks and a preamp?....or stay with an integrated.....
The major short fall of the CM1 (imho) was the phono stage. This was corrected by a EAR 834P mm/mc phono stage. Analog source is a Nottingham 294 Space deck w/ a Lyra cart....w/ Acoustic Zen Matrix interconnects - thank you Audiogon  for getting me there.
Thanks for all recommendations
Budget: let's say 5K new or used


Totem Hawk.... I really enjoy them
what would you suggest to head into the mono block world?

For under 5K it's going to be tough. There are power amps with dual mono geometry, which is the same as a pair of blocks (not as sexy though). I just purchased PrimaLuna, did a bunch of searching and found a Dialogue HP with < 100hrs for $2400 and at UpScale they have some new old stock that still sell for their org retail. I got a PL Prologue Premier Pre-amp with full warranty for $2200. They are both dual mono build. So it can be done.

By the way the amps sound great about a 30% SQ improvement with my old Revel's over the old Rotel amps. 

what would you suggest to head into the mono block world?

I don't think that is where you should go at this point. There are many ways to go but I would start you with a pair of Triangle AUSTRALE EZ. Maybe do a little tube rolling on your Rogue integrated, you'll still need a sub to get the very bottom but you'll have a big step up from the Totems and a very nice sounding system. Work on getting your room and system sounding it's best and enjoy for quite a while before you'll need to change anything. 

Think Audio Research, Conrad Johnson, VAC, and Cary. These are in the order I would consider them.


There are layers of what constitutes great sound (balance, details, bass, micro-details, noice floor, rhythm and pace, etc.). Companies like those above have been at the forefront of understanding sound and building equipment to capture it for a very long time. It takes a long time to move from what you think of as great sound as a novice audiophile to really knowing… these companies have worked at achieving this for many decades.


For the last couple years I have owned top of the line reference components from Audio Research (see my system under user ID) although I have pursued the high end for 50 years, I continually discover how these components capture the essence of music naturally, proportionately at all levels, in ways that I did not understand before. I was too easily lured by details and slam… which actually lured me away from really musical enjoyment. Don’t get me wrong, my system reveals all the details of any system I have owned or heard, but it shows them off in a truly natural way… just like live acoustical music, not bringing the details out in front and artificially sticking them in your face.


There are many companies that give people what they think they want… up front details and slam… slap you in the fact. But the companies I listen above work at a higher level. Creating real musical experiences. I get it now. I saw well healed old guys buying ARC stuff when I was young an poor. They were wise. This stuff is amazing.


Truly great audiophile gear goes beyond just “wow, that sounds great”. They are like refined instruments allowing to learn and evolve and explore deeper meaning in the music you are listening to.

@russ69 thanks for your response and I completely agree
A friend has offered a sub and I think I need to hear the effects of this first as well as acoustically cleaning up this space. Thank you