Will DAC always sound better going straight into a Power Amplifier?

Hi All,

I experimented today with plugging my Khadas Tone Board DAC straight into a Power Amp, and then using a vintage restored Yamaha solid state preamp in the chain...and the sound seemed to be clearer without the preamp.

Is this always the case, where a DAC will sound better directly connected to a power amp?

I see some expensive DAC offerings, like the Musetec 005 and the Holo Audio May, and was wondering that if i want to save up for one of them...if i have to save up for a preamp as well.

If it will cloud the sound, then i'll leave the preamp out of the mix.  Let me know your thoughts all!

I've read that some people have had experiences where the DAC sounds better through a preamp, so I'm not sure if there is a universal answer here or not.


A normal modern DAC will output at min. 2v RCA or min.4v balanced. That is equal to a normal preamp output. Forgetting weird impedance mismatches for the moment, the only job left for the preamp is attenuation. If the DAC has a good relay based rather than lossy digital attenuator, there is nothing left for the preamp to do other than add distortion. If you do have an impedance mismatch, get a passive attenuator

@fai_v : Robert Grodinski Research RGR 4. A giant-killer preamp from the 80's that beat the then-current Levinson, Audio Research, Precision Fidelity ... preamps for sound quality! I have one in use right now. Bought it on an eBay auction for $199! It has a world-beater phono stage if you are into vinyl.



If you buy a 30 year old preamp. Make sure you have it professionally reconditioned. Components like capacitors will need to be replaced, pots cleaned… of it isn’t likely to sound very good.

Are you looking for the best sound? Or do you just want to have a vintage preamp? More than likely they aren't one and the same.


I experimented with my DAC going direct to my power amplifier. The sound is good but NOT light-years better than using my preamp. My ’gut reaction’ is it might not be as clear, and the music does not seem as smooth. So, an hour later, after more listening. when going direct, I felt the music was missing something. The music was not as open or engaging when going direct to my power amplifier. The music felt more closed in.

When going direct, the sound was flat, lifeless and without an engaging factor. The additional of the preamp brought things back to normal. I am happy I did this audition so I now know and can forget about it.

For my application, and setup, I believe the preamp is needed to help the music sound natural, clearer, and engaging. My experiment is done. I believe that a preamp makes the music sound better.

I know that other people prefer going direct from a DAC to a power amplifier. Based on my audition, my decision is based on my equipment, my environment and how I listen to music. There is no right or wrong answer since it just depends on the individual. Everyone has a different opinion on going direct to an amp or using a preamp. The answer is it depends on the equipment and the sound you like.

I suggest you test the DAC direct to power amplifier and then make your decision.

I like the above post that says " I will keep the magic with my preamp".