American Made Audio Products

I just came upon this and wondered if anyone else has seen this website. I try to support the home team when I can so this is interesting, at least as a resource, and not a sales tool. I apologize in advance if I’m late to the game on this but interesting to hear anyones thoughts, knowledge, etc. Thanks.


John Dark here - I'm the publisher of the site, and welcome any questions. The short history is that I started the site when I noticed that almost all of my system was made locally, and I became curious about the state of American high-end audio manufacturing. There are great components made all over the world, but I live in the US and wanted to know more about the companies doing business near me. I was surprised to find so many manufacturers here. I'm sure I've missed a few companies (there are over 200 listed and categorized), and sure to be more.

I list companies that can lay claim to "Made in USA" and "Assembled in USA" using the FTC guidelines as I can best interpret them, and as companies make information available. I don't list companies that misuse those tags, or that design and distribute from the US but import their goods. You can learn more here:  

As for Benchmark, either I missed them or they weren't as clear that they assemble in the USA when I first created the list. I've just added them to the site. I'm less familiar with the other brands listed above. The best way to get on the list is to have a representative from that company email the address in the "About Us" page, but I'll add companies from time to time as I find them. 

@darkj thank you for getting in on the conversation about you 😀 and your website!

I hope the group might have some questions for you. As I said I stumbled upon it, and you’ve now answered my question. I think it’s a great resource and I’m impressed to see how many companies are American. I did not think there were this many. I thank you again. 

@mglik As for adding companies, either have the company contact me  or provide the URL, the categories of products they sell, the location of the factory, and any relevant details.

As for those selling product built abroad, see my comment above regarding "Made in USA" vs. "Assembled in USA." Some companies meet those requirements for a few products, but not for others. While I make all reasonable efforts to point to the right companies, the intent is as a starting point. In the end, each individual buyer will need to determine whether a given company or product is right for them.


However, I believe you have listed companies that are actually distributors or importers. Boarder Patrol for example.