Will I benefit from a subwoofer with 20Hz speakers?

My source is a minidsp shd studio with Dirac going into Denafrips Gaia DDC to Denafrips T+ DAC to McIntosh 601 Monoblocks to Cabasse Pacific 3 speakers. The speaker's published frequency response is 41-20,000Hz. I presume this is achieved in an anechoic chamber. In my room however, it goes down to 20Hz, at least according to the Dirac measurements. In fact, I needed to flatten the curve and  reduce by 5-20 DBs between 20-100Hz due to the room effect.

So, considering I already go down to 20Hz, is there anything else 1 or 2 subwoofers will do for my system?  Would it create a more consistent low frequency field? I see many people adding up to 6 subs, so I wonder what I'm missing. 

Thank you for your insight! 


That was what I was saying "it is too good to be true" (without the aid from sub). I believe you know quite well that, in order to boost 6dB, you need to double the volume. So I wonder why do you even make fun 😀 of people when they question that as below. It is simply not doable either practically or in theory. That also lead to my next question in your post where you mentioned: "... Take my modest speakers. They use 6.5" woofers and a ported cabinet. Would you guess they went down to 20 Hz? They do..." How you achieve a flat response down to 20 Hz there? What is the frequency rating for your modest speakers (Squires SNR-1?)?


there’s no way speakers that are rated at 41 HZ are going to go down to 20 HZ in your room what kind of measurements are you using?

The words of those who don’t have a lot of practical😀 experience.

How you achieve a flat response down to 20 Hz there? What is the frequency rating for your modest speakers (Squires SNR-1?)?

Please refer to my blog!




@dmilev73 May I have permission to use your frequency response picture on my blog??