Low Level Listening and Distortion

Would some amps sound better at lower levels due to distortion being produced at a lower sound level than another? In other words, a "clean" sounding amp (think stereotypical class D) sounds better to me at higher volumes while another amp sounds much louder than the class D at higher levels but great at lower levels, which I assume is our ears translating distortion into "louder" in our heads. Is it the job of a preamp to be sure the amp sounds the same at all levels or is this just impossible to make the sound that linear? I have one of the newest GaNFET amps from a well-respected designer/manufacturer playing at the moment and it sounds boring at low levels but good at higher levels. Not surprisingly it also sounds quieter at the same matched volume levels (using white noise) than the tube amps I also have. I hope I explained my question so it can be understood. Thanks.

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Thanks for the response @atmasphere. They may vary in sound but their reputation is a fairly sterile, clean sound as opposed to a tube amp which has a reputation for distortion, no? Ralph, you were who I was thinking of when I started this thread.  I believe in the past you said you like to be able to listen to music at louder volumes and it not sound too loud.  If I'm mistaken, please let me know.  Is it possible an amp that distorts at lower levels would be preferred to one that distorts at higher volume levels for someone that listens at 60 or 65 dB mostly? And, inversely, someone who listens at louder levels would dislike the same amp because once it's turned up it sounds "too loud"? Maybe I'm completely off base as my electrical and amplifier design knowledge is pretty close to zero.

interesting thread

when listening with intent (not background music etc etc) i am listening in the 75-85 db range (avg-peak) at my listening position, with speakers in a 11-12 ft triangle... i haven’t considered what the amps do at very low volumes

Another question is this.  Does anyone really enjoy music at "low level".  Other than for the sake of backgound noise, I have never been able to enjoy music without enough volume to let the sound open up.  Just saying.....

@bigtwin I enjoy music at low levels.  It's part of my weekend routine. Wake up early, go downstairs, throw on something I really want to hear and listen for a couple hours watching football/soccer on TV. I don't want to disturb anyone in the house so I have to keep it low. My Harbeth's are great at low level listening. My Devores seem to be more amp sensitive when it comes to under 70dB...hence part of the reason for my asking this question.  It makes sense to me logically that certain amps will sound thinner at low volumes, which is why loudness buttons used to exist (and still sort of do) but I've never heard an expert like Ralph's opinion on the subject of more pleasing distortion at low levels. Could an amp be made that specializes in sound up to 70 dB? I really have no idea.


The enjoyment / volume is a function of quality of system… well, in general, there are exceptions. But, in general, the better the system, the less volume is required to be engaging. A few minutes ago I was captivated by a tune at volumes averaging 68 db. The high volume requirement is not required at al in great systems.