Audio Note Power Amps

Hi guys, looking for some advice on my search for an SET amp.


I currently have a Supratek DHT pre which is connected to a First Watt SIT-2. I listen to mainly vocals, acoustics, orchestral and small ensemble kind of music. Rock, heavy metal type of music aren’t my cup of tea.


My current system sounds really good but I’m looking to add an SET power amp to my system to try a different flavour and to see whether I would like to keep the SIT-2 or the SET amp or maybe even both.


I am currently looking at the Yamamoto A-03S and some Audio Note power amps. I mentioned to a friend, who deals in high-end used equipment, that I’m looking for an Audio Note power-amp to mate with my Supratek and he straight out told me that based on his experience with a myriad of AN equipment, if I’m getting an AN power-amp then I should pair it with an AN pre or just get an AN integrated and that AN equipment doesn’t mix well with other brands.


Anyone here can advice whether the above statement hold any water? Not that I don’t believe my friend but I would like to hear from those in the community more experienced with AN equipment whether his statement is accurate in any way, which will help me decide how I proceed.





Thanks everyone for the replies and my apologies for not replying earlier as I have been busy with work.

Give me some time to digest all the replies :D

Thanks everyone again for the replies.

I love my Supratek DHT pre-amp running 45 tubes hence my reluctance to change it. It improves every single piece of gear I have tried and when I try running DAC to Amp direct, it sounds good but there’s just something lacking without the Supratek. The sense of space, rhythm & emotion is reduced.


Plus I just want to keep things a bit simple by just adding a power amp. And changing everything to AN brand is definitely not what I want to do as it feels a bit boring to me, haha.


My speakers are a DIY Open-back baffle with single driver full range drivers with a sensitivity of 94db. Looking to get more drivers in the 96-98 db range to play around with.


My current plan is to purchase the Yamamoto A-03S since it doesn’t cost too much. Then later arrange a home demo of some AN amps with the local dealer here to compare. Do note I live in South East Asia so unfortunately the concept of "buy, try, don’t like then return" doesn’t exist.


The Yamamoto is very close to all of that, yet it also communicates a rich soul that kept —and keeps— me listening to music.

This is what I have gleaned from reviews and other Yamamoto owners and is exactly what I’m looking for. Plus the A-03S looks real unique and seems to be very good value for money. What’s not to like.


Hi @wenhaw, your friend was probably referring to AN amps’ low input impedance which makes them unusual & difficult loads. It’s not the end of the world, and the matter can be addressed by the pre’s designer. You look like you already have an excellent pre (Cabernet?) so before you ditch it why not just contact its designer -- if you settle for AN, that is.

My Supratek’s output impedance is pretty low as well at 150 ohm. Hence the reason why I think it shouldn’t have much problems pairing with most amps. The AN P2, P3 should be a problem at 100k input impedance but the P4 is rated at only 2.4k, you guys reckon this is ok? Ratio is still more than 10:1.


The Yamamoto is very good but I don’t know if it, or any mid-range AN amp, can outperform your SIT-2.

@gregm U reckon an AN P2-SE can compete the SIT-2? What about the P3 Tonmeister or P4 Silver?


As far as I am aware the Cabarnet‘s output transformers run the standard 600 ohms output which would mate perfectly with 600 ohm transformer input of the Ankoru and its ilk.

@pesky_wabbit by transformer output and input, do you mean output and input impedance?


minor correction; it was a J2 not later model SIT 3 that I compared with my Yamamoto A-06-3.......the J2 was borrowed, from a composer / studio producer friend, who also has a Yamamoto!

@psf4972 No Yamamoto is it then haha.

I believe that the likelihood of sonic success pairing the Supratek DHT preamplifier and the Yamamoto power amplifier is very high. In addition it in my opinion is quite cost effective given the sound quality I believe that will be achieved. 


@wenhaw yes, i was referring to impedance. With an output impedance of 150 ohms your pre should drive anything tube and virtually anything.solid state.

@charles1dad This is my thoughts as well. I can always arrange a home trial later with the local AN dealer. No way am I buying with a demo in my system with the prices AN is charging.


@pesky_wabbit Thanks for the clarification