I, too, have this player. I did not have to wait a year. Once I decided to make the leap I found one in Arizona and had it sent to me. This was just about 2 months ago. I agree with what is said here about this player, and after the usual break in it simply plays music, on all formats. Its the first one I have that is MQA-able, so I bought a few of these discs. I replaced a Luxman D-05u with this one, and use it in a system with the Constellation Audio Integrated driving the marvelous Perlisten S7t speakers. I have a TT in the system too, but rarely use it. I am no jazz fan, its mostly rock-type of music for me, or singer/songwriter, a bunch of classic country too, and the occasional classical. But rarely, if ever, jazz. That, of course, is just a matter of taste, and that differs from person to person. Tony Bennett and Frank Sinatra sound amazing here too. Jafant knows all of this already, so this is really for the other members here who might be curious.