High Fidelity Cable replaces NPS 1260

The product is going to be called NPS Q45T. Not out yet, but on their Facebook page.


@facten - fair enough, but it's registered now, so I guess it doesn't matter as much as the effectiveness of the product. I'm sure she will read this and you have informed her. Genuinely though, it's a decent thing you did to go check it out.
I'm sure she'd be better off knowing, particularly for eMarketing and such, to differentiate the products.

@debjit_g - I am sorry, I tried to send you a DM/PM with the means to contact the distributor, however there are censorship means put in place that prohibits personal information to be shared, including emails.

when nano-flo becomes a searchable term, I suppose the website will be up and you can buy it online.

@rixthetrick thanks. the info will come out anyway, so Agon putting censorship will probably not last long but I can see that they are merely following their policy. I have owned The Gate and Omega emats from late Tim/PPT and know effective they are. I can't wait to try some of the Nano-flo stuff in my system. I hope Krissy makes it available soon for others.

I remember how Chrissy and Tim behave as normal and convivial people, I hope the same spirit will be continued. You ordered  3 mats and received 4 . They had delicacy to not even mention it until you thanked them. 
when I see builder of a famous tt who dares to ask 3000€ for another pod for your new tonearm, a simple piece of metal with 4 holes in it, they take us for their personal cash machine. Bad attitude is so normal in this business and so easily accepted that it’s a breath of fresh air when people behave normally. Sorry I disgress.