High Fidelity Cable replaces NPS 1260

The product is going to be called NPS Q45T. Not out yet, but on their Facebook page.


Go create a nano-flo thread and post about it there. I genuinely hope its better than the HFC stuff.

But a couple of you are blatantly spamming your commercial interests here.

This thread should be reserved for HFC and the serious discussion of whether these guys are going to get their 10's of thousands of dollars in purchases refunded or delivered upon.


All your opinion. If there are any issues worthy of the moderators’ attention, I’m sure they will address them.

Then go start a thread regarding any potential legal recourse for monetary recovery from HFC. Start a go fund a lawyer collection page. Good luck tracking down geographically where the culprit or culprits are at this time...and who owns what assets both the physical and intellectual property. Spend more money. This all sucks. For those owed and for the entire clientele, employees as well as the entire audio industry. The connection here is between 1 or more contact enhancer products and their pluses and minuses either past or present. 2 mentioned are no longer available and 1 will be available very soon. Past present and future there appears as if there is only 1 valid and logical choice currently which is a mighty fine one for sure. Tom

I think Rick should at least communicate with those customers who ordered? If Rick will not be able to resolve this issues , if even he wants to go back to do cables again and other products, Basically his business will be affected , in terms of trust?