American Made Audio Products

I just came upon this and wondered if anyone else has seen this website. I try to support the home team when I can so this is interesting, at least as a resource, and not a sales tool. I apologize in advance if I’m late to the game on this but interesting to hear anyones thoughts, knowledge, etc. Thanks.


@perkri - I never got the impression you were against US made product, and I agree with you! 👍

Guess my point is, who cares where it’s made? Everything is from everywhere now a days :) A product should succeed or fail based on its merits, not because of where it’s made.


@perkri There are a couple of answers in addition to the responses you’ve already seen. First, I guess a lot of people do because gets a lot of traffic, generally from people who were specifically searching for "american made... (speakers, amps, etc)."

As for me, first, I’m fascinated with every aspect of the gear I use, and like to know all the details that go into making my gear, including the factory and artisans or crafters who make it. Practically speaking, a lot of the reasons I spend my time and energy on the site are due to being local rather than specifically American. I think there’s a real convenience in being in the same country or region as the maker, both for access to dealers and to ongoing support. I’ve toured factories like PS Audio, Magico and Boulder electronics and it’s so cool to see the gear being made in front of my eyes. If you want that kind of connection with your gear, it’s good to be able to find makers near you. If I lived in Europe, for example, I might have published European Made Audio. That said, the best of what we make in America is indeed some of the very best in the world, and I’m happy to draw attention to these companies.

Now, if none of that means anything to you, then no worries.
¯_(ツ)_/¯ It’s a hobby for most of us, and we each engage with it on an individual level. You do you.

For those of us who are interested, for whatever reason, I hope that the site is a useful resource.



I think the list is a cool thing. Especially for the smaller, lesser known manufacturers. There is some amazing gear being produced by lesser know folks who need some online exposure to help their product be known by the consuming public. 

A lot of times, people who are all about only buying their own national brands, forget that if other countries were to do the same, US made gear would become even more expensive as the world is a lot bigger than the 350 or so million people who live in the US…

The only American Made Amps and pre-amps i use is Atma-Sphere and Classic Audio Loudspeakers Field Coils. Otherwise i prefer now EU or British made Stuff in general.