Why do I need power management if I have a great power cord?

Isn't it kind of unnecessary to additionally add a power conditioner if I have an expensive audio file grade Power cord connected to a component?

So you buy a Power conditioner from a hi-fi store and they say oh, you need a really good power cord to go with that and then another one to go from conditioner to the component. Do you need it all and why? Seems the last couple of feet before the component should be more than enough.


For me, I have tried different interconnects, speaker cables, power cords, power conditioners. Each has sounded different, for better or worse. So anyone who doesn’t hear any change either has a low fidelity system, or insensitive ears.

We can have opinions about interconnects and speaker cables.
It is exactly opposite wth power cords and power conditioners.

The higher fidelity systems usually have the better power supplies in them and are more immune to what power is coming in. That is part of what makes them higher fidelity, but it also is a sign that they are not cutting corners in one area, and likely also not cutting corners in others.

I would believe that on some lesser quality systems, that these snake oil things might work, but they should work less (If even at all) on systems that are designed right.

We can paint the Camry red, but it only identifies as a Ferrari, it doesn’t actually become one… much the same as a fancy cord does not fix an inadequate power supply design.

You are right about power cords and power conditioners, and i concur with your metaphor about painting red a Camry to pass it for a Ferrari... 😁😊

But when these common sense and common place facts are said and well said by you, there is other alleged "snake oil"devices which cannot be put under the rug and be treated as useless because the owner of the costly price tag of some higher end audio system decide that it is the case...

These are the electrical various possible control over the part of the gear and of the room/house electrical grid but also the mechanical vibrations/resonance controls but also the more important acoustical passive treatment and especially the mechanical acoustical control devices...

These are not ALL snake oil creations ...

This is where a low cost system can exceed in S.Q. or rival not far behind it some costlier one, it is here where your Ferrari metaphor ALONE did not work anymore...

Audio experience does not result DIRECTLY from the gear system coming from the store heaven but audio experience result also from the gear system IN A SPECIFIC acoustically controlled or not controlled room...

That is the limit of this popular Ferrari metaphor....It takes a DESIGNED RACE TRACK for the Ferrari to perform , put a Ferrari in a sahara desert caravan track it will not work well...In my metaphor the acoustic control of the room is the DESIGNED track and specifically for it, where the Ferrari perform... Any system without acoustic control is like a car in the deep sand track of the desert ...It did not work well....

Then all acoustic devices are not snake oil or secondary artefact we add or not to a system, they are fundamental like the designed track for the Ferrari...

In my set of acoustic controls devices i use classical Helmoltz method and devices yes , but also unorthodox devices to help my low cost system to not be so far away from SOME highly costlier one... None of them are snake oil...

Yes my system is NOT high-end at all , but yes my ratio quality/price is very high and my experience is not so far AWAY behind system costing 100 more when these system are put in an uncontrolled  room in particular... Thanks to Helmholtz among others...

Acoustic is the key not the price tag....

And all added devices around a system are not ALL snake oil....

Exemple out of acoustic field : tuned mechanical vibration control devices....They are ESSENTIAL....



For me, I have tried different interconnects, speaker cables, power cords, power conditioners. Each has sounded different, for better or worse. So anyone who doesn’t hear any change either has a low fidelity system, or insensitive ears.

We can have opinions about interconnects and speaker cables.
It is exactly opposite wth power cords and power conditioners.

The higher fidelity systems usually have the better power supplies in them and are more immune to what power is coming in. That is part of what makes them higher fidelity, but it also is a sign that they are not cutting corners in one area, and likely also not cutting corners in others.

I would believe that on some lesser quality systems, that these snake oil things might work, but they should work less (If even at all) on systems that are designed right.

We can paint the Camry red, but it only identifies as a Ferrari, it doesn’t actually become one… much the same as a fancy cord does not fix an inadequate power supply design.

@mahgister I was just opining on the topic of ”Why do I need power management if I have a great power cord?”

I am not saying that we need, or do not need, Helmholz resonators if we have a power cord.
Nor that we need, do not need, a power cord if we have a Helmholz resonator.

And not anything about Helmholz or Shuman resonators or pyramid shaped devices.

The main/only that I am saying is that the power cord delivers eneryy to the amps power supply, and that quality amplifiers usually are largely immune to what is happening on the city side of the chassis.

Perhaps some low quality amps would benefit a power conditioner or a power cable. But I try not to use those amps, and I don’t prefer to spend money on cords and conditioners if one could use that money on better amps.


These are not ALL snake oil creations ...

I have seen the nice looking “boxes of dirt” grounding systems. Those seem like snake oil.

The Helmholz resonators have a theory.

The other copper disks and pyramid shaped jobs, I will not comment on.

I apologize then but i reacted also to the word "snake oil" in your post...

I apologize because sometimes i react too much to some words..."snake oil" for example associated to pyramidal objects ... 😉

I was ok with your post about power cord and power supply , i think the same as you, but the comparison of a costly audio system with a Ferrari is a comparison which had some limit if not completed and a comparison which ask to some addition to be accurate... A gear system so luxury and high tech it is cannot sound at his potential peak in any room no more than a Ferrari on any track will perform the same...

I did it....


The other copper disks and pyramid shaped jobs, I will not comment on.

These devices you see are SECONDARY now for me.... They work but their effect is small compared to my others created devices in acoustic in the last 2 years...

The photo you see in my virtual page is many years ago already.... None of my main acoustic grids of devices are there ...

Why ?

Because i dont want to be ridiculed by people ignorant of acoustic when they will se straws, cardboard empty paper rolls and plumber discraded tunes etc...

And anyway it is not esthetical ....

My dedicated acoustic room was my research room so ti speak.... It is now finished...

My point in my audiophile journey was the creation of an audiophile experience at no cost or very low one... I succeed....It is not necessary to believe me... All my homemade  devices are not equal in degree of improvement for sure but they cost peanuts...The more powerful without doubts  are the acoustic devices...

My discovery that for example acoustic control exceed in power " most"  gear upgrade is a measurable objective  fact easy to verify and which is known by all acoustician......The room is if not the ONLY the MAIN luxury in audio...


I apologize then but i react to the word "snake oil" in your post...

I apologize because sometimes i react  too much to some words..."snake oil" for example associated to pyramidal objects ... 😉

What I actually think cannot be proved by what I actually wrote.

The pyramid power has dated back a long time with claims of keeping food fresh, razors sharp, and other things. (I use a refrigerator and have a beard.)

I do not personally use those pyramids, but it’s possible that I have a Bangles LP… I should do, as I like the gendre.

There is also a huge difference between making ones own resonators and foil covered pyramids, and selling magical boxes of dirt and other things at obscene prices.
No one would buy the pyramids at $1, but at $1000 it is more likely that a queue might start forming.