@mahgister I was just opining on the topic of ”Why do I need power management if I have a great power cord?”
I am not saying that we need, or do not need, Helmholz resonators if we have a power cord.
Nor that we need, do not need, a power cord if we have a Helmholz resonator.
And not anything about Helmholz or Shuman resonators or pyramid shaped devices.
The main/only that I am saying is that the power cord delivers eneryy to the amps power supply, and that quality amplifiers usually are largely immune to what is happening on the city side of the chassis.
Perhaps some low quality amps would benefit a power conditioner or a power cable. But I try not to use those amps, and I don’t prefer to spend money on cords and conditioners if one could use that money on better amps.
These are not ALL snake oil creations ...
I have seen the nice looking “boxes of dirt” grounding systems. Those seem like snake oil.
The Helmholz resonators have a theory.
The other copper disks and pyramid shaped jobs, I will not comment on.