Has the cost of HiFi gotten a bit too much?

I don't have any specific example but just from looking at it overall, it seems like high-end components prices have really risen more than inflation.  

Or may be it is must me?


It has nothing to do with inflation. Go to an audio show. I did last month and $35k-over $100k speakers sound much worse than say the Revel salon/studio 2’s for $23k or lower. If it was inflation and you also based it on sq, the revels would be $150k. There were some nice sounding speakers at the show but instead of $30k or more, they should have been priced for sq around $5k or a little more

Focal Sopra 2's are my judge of price gouging. Just two years ago they could be had for $15k. They now cost $22k. There is no way to slice that cake to justify it. Glad I got mine before the gouging began, but I won't be back to Focal. 

Maybe some things have become out of control, but has ARC ever been cheap? Or how about McIntosh? Heck I took out a loan on my first large speakers. The used Bozak B’s were mine for 24 easy monthly payments.


@audioguy85 ,

It would serve you and the health of this thread well if you confined your idiotic political opinions to yourself and your ignorant, like-minded buddies.

One of the most, perhaps the most difficult thing for many to admit (if only to themselves) is that they have been wrong about something or someone; that their opinion was mistaken.