Has the cost of HiFi gotten a bit too much?

I don't have any specific example but just from looking at it overall, it seems like high-end components prices have really risen more than inflation.  

Or may be it is must me?


And to think we have to yet endure 3 more years of Biden. I’m amazed how much this idiot has destroyed in little more than a year. The evil Orange man was not so bad, now was he.....when you watch/listen to him speak, it makes you wonder how on God’s great earth was this person elected.

That has to be the most idiotic trolling I've read in a long time.
180º from reality. Alternate reality stuff. Go play on the freeway.

All the best,

Post removed 

we collectively are all really best off sticking to hifi oriented discussions...

anonymous forums without disclosing what qualifications and orientations folks have to discuss politics and macro economic policy creates only heat, and sheds zero light -- it isn’t like anyone with strongly held views will be convinced by anyone else with opposing views, right?

so let’s try to stick to what this place is meant to be about

Wait until the United States starts writing checks for $trillions to rebuild Ukraine.  We will contribute 90% to rebuild Ukraine.  We should send a bill to Russia.  Perhaps tell Russia we will lift some of the sanctions if they pay to rebuild.  As I see it, what does Ukraine have left after their buildings have been destroyed?  We will pay 90% of the cost and allow our allies to take complete advantage of us.

What do the citizens of Ukraine have left to live in?  How many years will they have to wait until they have a place to live?  I think we need to send Putin the bill.  If he doesn't respond with action, then enforce even more sanctions.