Mogami 2921 vs Canare 4s11 vs ???

My goal is to build new cables that I will use for the next 15 years, no matter what speakers I have, but I don't want to spend money that will force me to get a 2nd mortgage..  My current speakers are 4 Ohm so my thought is I need at least 12 gauge - 10 gauge wire.  I am planning to replace my AudioQuest Type 4 speaker wire in my home theater with Canare 4s11 until I found Canare 4s11g, unfortunately you can't buy Canare 4s11g, at least I couldn't find it for sale.  So I began looking at other speaker wire and  Mogami speaker cable appeared.  There are several choices, the 3104, 3103, 2921 are a few.them. Most of the ink is on Mogami 3104 speaker wire and it is highly regarded. I noticed Mogami 2921, 4 conductors of 14 gauge wire appeared to be exactly like the Canare 4s11, except the Mogami copper wire is OFC.  My question for the experts who support this forum are:  Is the Mogami 2921 as good or better than the Canare 4s11?  Should I continue to search for Canare 4s11g cable or just be happy with the 4s11? Should I expand my budget and use one of the Mogami flavors (3104, 3103, 2921)  wire?  Should I stop the search for wire and just purchase 10 -12 gauge OFC wire and end the analysis paralysis?

If the DIY speaker wire build goes well I am sure I will replace my Monster cable stereo connections with new cables and connectors, but first things first..... the speakers need new connections.  Any and all feedback is welcomed.

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A big TEXAS THANK-YOU to all who responded.  I have decided to go with the Canare 4s11.  I guess I will just have to dig out the Cheech & Chong, George Carlin, Firesign Theatre, maybe some Who, Led Zeppelin, Fleetwood Mac, Peter Paul & Mary, Kingston Trio, Beethoven, Bach, Tchaikovsky albums and just kick back and let the break-in begin.  I've ordered the connectors (locking bananas for amp side and spades for speaker side), the wire, techflex, heat shrink tubing, a heat gun.  Everything should be in my hands within 10 days, and then a few days to make the cables.  I'll update this thread with my initial thoughts and again after 3-4 months of usage.  BTW,  I plan to repurpose some of the AQ type 4 cable to  use on my refurbished Pioneer SX-828 that resides in my office. I noticed the current cable, purchased from RS eons ago was starting to tarnish.  The hard part will be attaching the wire to the unorthodox speaker connections on this old receiver..... I just hate to throw anything away........  again, thanks to everyone who responded to this thread, your thoughts and opinios are appreciated.


I own a lot of cables, audioquest rocket, atlas hyper 2.0, qed original, viard audio premium hd, canare 4s11, Vandame lp-ucofc, western electric (tuneful), mogami 3103...

My best cable is the mogami 3082, it's the more transparent, clear and realistic sound on my focal electra 907be !

With belden 8402 rca, the sound is natural.

Don't crush that dwarf, hand me the wire strippers.

Enjoy building and using your new cables!