Has the cost of HiFi gotten a bit too much?

I don't have any specific example but just from looking at it overall, it seems like high-end components prices have really risen more than inflation.  

Or may be it is must me?


One only need look at reviews posted 3-4 years ago to see that prices for many components have gone up 10%-20% over the past few years, due to the factors cited by many in this thread - supply and demand, economic conditions, supply chain pressures, etc. . But if you look back at a source like Stereophile Recommended component listings from the 1990s, prices then and now don't seem out of line. If anything, today's value components seem like a greater bargain compared to what I see listed from the 90s.

The ultra-high-end has always been focused on a limited number of buyers who either have the resources or the appetite to tie up a significant portion of their net worth in an audio system. They can have at it, but for my purposes I'm pretty psyched about the ability to put together a truly musical system at just about any price point. 


The reality is, gas is the lifeblood of all things that have a cost.

So yes  Biden and his admin are the cause for gas price elevation,  with a little icing by the Russian embargo.

Printing money bodes for the future.  Essentially anything in your saving account now will be worthless in your old age.

Gas prices are not Trump's nor Biden's nor Millard Filmore's fault. Oil refiners curtailed production due to the fall off in demand over the past several years.  Refiners will ramp up production only to the point where they wont materially hurt current margins when balanced with their desired production and profitability goals.


Money has been printed since the beginning of recorded time...why is anyone surprised? The money supply will always grow as population grows. If you are concerned about the value of your savings, Bitcoin is always an option I guess.

If you are concerned about the value of your savings, Bitcoin is always an option I guess.

Until the grid goes down or someone lights off one big ass EMP bomb.
👍😄👍    If that ever happens, I'll literally laugh my ass off.

All the best,


Money has been printed since the beginning of recorded time...why is anyone surprised? The money supply will always grow as population grows.

It's not a surprise.  It's just that the magnitude of money printing lately that is alarming along with total US debt.  If you look at the US debt gragh, it just took off.