Aurender Conductor latest fail…

Anyone having issues with the Conductor app force closing whenever you attempt to select an album or favorites? I’m assuming it has something to do with the latest iOS update which I did on my phone and tablet yesterday. 


Update: the IOS update for the Conductor App is not available yet. I reinstalled version 3.22(4) and the issue persists. The updated version 3.23(0) will be available in a few days. There’s also beta version for those who like to test drive.

I reinstalled conductor this morning and I'm having the same issue.  Thanks for the update re 3.23.  I think I'll wait a couple days and just use my iphone. 

Aurender told me it takes a few days to get the mod through Apple. There is a beta you can download from Aurender… just sent them a message. I’ll just wait.. I have tons of files on my unit… good excuse to,play them.

The problem started yesterday and is universal. Aurender is working on the fix which will likely take a few days. 

I don't know if this is Kosher to post but see this thread. I installed the Beta and I have Qobuz again with my iPad and W20.