Best cable for record cleaner, ever

I just purchased the Acme 2000 power cable and attached it to my record cleaner, and I can’t believe the difference it makes over the stock power cord. Records are now completely clean with no noise on playback. Highly recommended.

Ag insider logo xs@2xduddley

Is that the same Acme Wylie Coyote bought all his gadgets from?  If so, please post the link — I’m in the market for some rocket-powered roller skates. 

Glad it worked out for you...

I tried ordering anvils and TNT from Acme, but they won't ship them to a California address.



Nice.  For even cleaner clean (like blacker blacks!) try a Synergistic Research Purple Fuse in your record cleaner.  

If you really want to hear an improvement, put your record cleaner on springs.