The banking system is by definition a conspiracy against the very notion of what money could be : a concrete map of the cycle of goods creation, from their creation to their recycling destruction...
The trick was to make a map with an apparent value higher than reality itself....Simple mathematics help much here....
Money is about to be nowadays more than ever a universal anonymus enslavement instead of a personal liberation...
And zombies think that no conspirations exist for sure because they sleep on their own for sure ...
Similarly people are brainswashed about new products publicity and forget about mighty low cost acoustic knowledge and devices... Is it a conspiracy? 😁😊
Yes AND no.....
«A glass of water means more and has more value than all bitcoins »-Anonymus Smith
«Conspiracy is like evil , his only trick is to be hidden in plain sight»-Anonymus Exorcist who is also a reader of Orwell and Huxley
«Magicians know there is not so much a conspiration than a defect of attention» Anonymus attentive student