2022 Grammy Award Show?

There was some interesting stuff on this show and some great artists.  Any comment?   Wonder how many of you made an effort to watch or look up who won what. 


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It was an enjoyable show. I agree with @gpgr4blu overall. Billie and Jon are true talents.  

In a junk society that worships mediocrity, Tik Tok sensations and mindless conformity, the lure of a show that appeals to the absolute lowest common denominator like The Grammy Awards is just too tempting for the least discerning among us to resist.

I didn’t watch it this year, but in a recent previous year I too thought this is LCD stuff. American awards such as these will continue as long as there remain one or two worthy recipients. I’m in a judgmental but generous mood.

Even during my 10 years in the music business in the 70's/80's, I never paid attention to the Grammies, but then I don't watch any other awards shows, either.

It's not about whether I like the music or not, and I probably would like most of the music - it's that Art is not a contest!!

I don't care about the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, either. I've got my own rock and roll hall of fame! 

Wow 2chFreak:

That was a dark, cynical post: if I don’t like it, its worthless junk? I am not sure what American Idol or the Voice has to do with the Recording Academy (the entity behind the Grammy Awards). The Academy’s mission is to elevate quality standards and recognize achievement (in the recording industry not the music industry). When you are hired to track, mix or master a record, you aren’t arguing with the artist you are recording as what the songs are or should be. Your job is to make it sound as good as you can. The Grammy’s judge that process, not the music itself.
