Turntable upgrade recommendations: SME vs AMG vs Technics vs other

I've recently upgraded most of my system, but I still have a Rega P8, with Linn Krystal cartridge, which I like, but I've heard that there may be better options.

I have Sound Lab electrostatic speakers, Ypsilon Hyperior amplifiers, an Ypsilon PST-100 Mk2 pre-amplifier, and am thinking about an Ypsilon phono stage to match with my system, and a turntable/cartridge.  I listen to almost entirely classical, acoustic music. 

Based on my very limited knowledge, and simple research, I've been looking at three brands, each of which is a different type of turntable: SME (suspension), AMG (mass), and Technics (direct drive).  
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different types of turntables, and of those in particular?



@terry9  : No I don't want to derail nothing. You posted and I gave an answer. That's all.



Thanks for everyone’s contribution to this thread! Having individuals share their decades of audiophile experience definitely has helped me make more informed decisions with setting up an audio system.
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the first 2 weeks of an upgraded turntable. I think that the two cartridges on the Dohmann (Lyra Atlas and Koetsu Urushi Black) are a good balance / complement. I can definitely appreciate different aspects of the musical presentation with each cartridge. The Lyra is more detailed, but at times can too revealing, when I can hear a surface hiss of the needle dragging across the LP during very quiet moments of the music (mostly while listening to classical, as jazz, etc has very few quiet moments) The Koetsu is not as detailed in its presentation, but possibly seems more musical. I don’t hear as much detail, and no surface hiss, but seems to be better characterized for classical music, whereas I’m enjoying the Lyra better with jazz, bluegrass, other acoustic music. Overall, I would say the Lyra Atlas puts you in the front row of a musical performance, whereas the Koetsu Urushi Black puts you in the tenth row.

It’s all a very enjoyable listening experience. It’s fun to listen to the music, and experience what it would be like to hear some of the best musicians in the world who have lived in the past 60 years perform for me. It seems like I can feel the expressions / emotions of the performer and the composer more significantly with the Dohmann turntable.

It seems like I can feel the expressions / emotions of the performer and the composer more significantly with the Dohmann turntable.


And that's what it's all about! Enjoy

Without direct, personal experience, I am super impressed with the Kronos TT.

The counterrotating “platter” under has been said to be the only true innovation in T T design in many years. Seems logical that the precision and stability of rotation is key to the function. The show rooms which use the Kronos all speak superlatively. I would love to hear one.

Don't recall if this topic has come up, but have you considered ultra-sonic record cleaning? Big benefits right away - quieter, more revealing - and big benefits delayed - low stylus wear.

My own stylus costs a lot to replace, so the US cleaning system is paying for itself twice over.

In any case, well done by you!