Does measurements really matter?

This video by Thomas interview Harley is one the best way to understanding the topic of measurement  




Measurements are not always electrical information with a tool about a single piece of gear...

Measurements can be precise information about location of device in a room, lenght and diameter of an Helmholtz resonator or a diffuser for example ... It can be the Schroeder frequency which is so important to master in any room etc...It can be the precise ratio between timing of the first wavefronts and reflections relatively to our head position and perimeter......

We all listened to some unconscious or/and conscious "measurements" process , but some are way less informative about sound quality than others...Acoustic measurements are anyway more ESSENTIAL than partial electrical measures of the ASV group ....

This fact escape " gear subjective fetichists" and "tool measuring fetichists" alike...But not to acousticians and psycho acousticians...Here they measure AND listen in a process which is continuous for optimization results...

Then you listen to measurements yourself but you dont know it... 😁😊

I can’t remember the I ever listened to measurements....


Measurements are good especially when it’s comes to individual parts but the overall output are not supposed to depending on the measurements

human with special ears 👂 supposed to listen listen listen listen and tune it because at the end of the day we’re going to listen to it that’s the reason and purpose  it was made for