Acoustic question

In my current listening room, is also my family room (15’6” x 19’6”).  On the right, 4’5” from the front of the room is a 9’ opening to the living room. On the left, the wall continues just past my listening position. I can hear the difference between the 2 walls. My wife suggested I get one of those woven wood, 6’x 8’ room dividers, and place it in the opening when listening.

What are your thoughts about how this would impact the acoustics?




Thanks Erik,

 I was kinda thinking of you when I asked the question. I’m to cheap for Roon, but minidsp is in the back of my mind.  I was going to start with a couple of 2’x4’ sound absorbing panels on each side and see where to go from there.
What about some sound diffuser something on the ceiling?  Will I get bang for my buck going that route?


The ceiling is a highly under appreciated location for treatment, but for the side I want you to consider diffusors, especially close to the speakers

You are on the right track, try some changes with the room divider and maybe some absorbers and see how that goes. I have a dedicated listening room but it's still a room and not a laboratory, I get great sound with just a few tricks. 

I have a very similar room. I would not use absorption on the long side wall. I used diffusion and it works wonderfully. I also found I had to pull the right speaker about .5 inches closer.

Absorption is always my distant second. I find diffusion, in general,  works far better. I have used absorption in the past with a dulling effect I did not like. Even a little of it had negative unintended consequences.

Diffusion on the front and long side wall worked for me.



 “I also found I had to pull the right speaker about .5 inches closer.”

 Closer to what?