Another “How to choose an arm” question

I currently have a Sota Saphire running an SAEC We317 arm (221mm spindle to pivot and 12 mm overhang).

That is running a Garrott Bros p77i, but I have been looking at some LOMC cartridges, as well as SoundSmith LO-MI, AT ART, etc.

How is one supposed to determine their current arm is good or not?

It sounds fine and I would think that the knife edge design is not prone to a lot of wear.
However it was recommend that I upgrade the arm… But how would I know “to what”, and how would I know if the upgrade is worthwhile?

I was looking at some DD tables to have a more expanded choice of arms that can be mounted, as the Sota is a bit restrictive in that regard. That is still on the cards as a possibility… however assuming that the Sota is a keeper, then how do I determine the arm’s adequacy, being “fit for purpose”?


The K'b is not the ideal compliance for the SME 3009, the comparison was to allow for my friend to hear the K'b that they had purchased in an alternate Tonearm, and to gauge if there was anything tobe concerned about the purchased Cart', hence I bought my K'b.

I could have brought the SME IV and Audiomods Series V,  but the get together was mainly to show the K'b in a different arm.

If the intention was to gauge the best arm, I would have brought the other Tonearms along, and made a longer period available for the investigations. 

As said, I don't know if a Knife Edge Bearing can be detected in use, but the SME 3009 does not work with for the betterment of the K'b Cart' in the system and environment the demonstration took place. 

I did see a Kuzma 4.9 for sale.

What would that do in how the sound is manifested? Or not?

And I think it will fit a Sota sapphire.


Excellent tonearm, should fit the Sota.

The Kuzma 4Points are very quick, transparent and importantly very easy to set up and adjust. It would be a massive upgrade on your SAEC - more detail, quicker, more dynamic. The 4Point is a medium mass arm which means it will suit a wide variety of cartridges. A SOTA/4Point combo would be very hard to beat without spending a significant amount more - its a combination that should satisfy you for years.

If I was in your position I would not look at a new TT, I would get your SOTA serviced, and updated if you want and add the 4Point - then you are done for many years.


Excellent tonearm, should fit the Sota.

Yeah @dover a friend tried the “Origin Live” for almost a year, and he told me that it was motocrossing out of the groove difficult to get set up.
He said the 4.9 fit his Sota and took 20 minutes to set up.

So it is known working solution. However he is using a VanDenHul which is super high compliance (super limber).

I’ll likely call SoundSmith to figure out which cartridges will work with it, as I am coming from a high mass arm.

Does any know whether there are any measurements like this for the SAEC we317 arm, that would enlighten me as to how a different arm would have the quieter bearings?