Scored 3 isoacoustics isolation feat, now what?

I Scored some cheap snake oil from Mr Haney the other day. Got 3 Orea Bordeaux. First I tried them on my Quick Mill Anita espresso machine with no improvement in texture or taste. So I figured I would try them on one of my HiFi source components. Got them sitting under my tubed pre now and I think there might have been some bloom improvement. I could also try them under my DAC or Power Amp. What component has best potential yield? Mr Haney said he had them under a Pass Labs power amp.




You need more pucks before you hear the full potential.  The absolute best way to use them is as cable lifters. But I'd wait for the new version with WiFi remote leveling. You don't know bloom until you've heard properly raised, vibration-damped, and leveled speaker cables.  Assuming you have a highly resolving system.

Listen to see if the make the sound dead and lifeless. For me I find super dense hardwood thick boards work the best when they are on spikes. I am talking rosewood purple heart. Etc woods that will sink in water not float. Many of the other items tend to deaden the sound. Not much different than a bicycle tire tube party blown up with a board and then a piece of MDF on top. You will have this G's goat on air with bloom but no music left goes totally dead sounding



i put the iso pucks under all my equipment and it sucked the life out of my system so don't over do it.