New Funk Firm Achromat Warped

I just got this mat for my SL-1200G and one side is warped. The mat comes with double sided adhesive discs to secure the mat to the platter. However, the adhesive is not able to hold the warped side down. Just wondering if anyone else has had this problem. I purchased it from Music Direct, I will contact them tomorrow.


throw it in the dumpster.  ruined the bass on my turntable.  

mats are best used to damp the audible tonearm resonance that can color the midrange.  

the way to test this is to play bass beat music with vocals at higher volume to make the differences more obvious.  

compare bass impact, bass note definition and vocal midrange clarity. 

the achromat on my technics seemed to blur and cancel bass notes, reduce their sharpness and impact and fog the midrange.  

try another, there are clear winners out there for the latest technics tables. 

the achromat on my technics seemed to blur and cancel bass notes, reduce their sharpness and impact and fog the midrange.

That was not my experience with the GR.

FWIW, I received my replacement Achromat and it's perfectly flat.

Sounds great on my Technics G. As with the GR the Achromat enhances midrange clarity, focus and separation of instruments/voices compared to the stock rubber mat - sounds really pop. So my impressions are completely opposite to @avanti1960. Some may prefer the more laid back sound of the rubber mat.

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