Tube CD player?

Looking to upgrade from my Shanling T-200 tube cd player, trying to stay away from "Chinese" made product, my budget is limited to $500 to 1k. "Not giving any bad reputation to Chinese made gear" Good stuff but I want to stay american or european...

Best bang for the buck CD player, ok lets hear it.. Thanks guys! Oh and gals! lol
I don't have anything against Chinese made equipment myself; for example did you know that the highly acclaimed Cary 303/300 is made in China?
Take a look at the "Canadian made" Raysonic CD 128 with EH 6922 gold pin tubes. Great bang for the non-yuan.
I am quite happy with my Unico CD. Try to audition this to see if you like the sound, bcos it's quite warm and smooth sounding. The stock tubes are not really good though. I got the best out of it once I changed the stock tubes to Mullard ones. Good luck to you !