Tube CD player?

Looking to upgrade from my Shanling T-200 tube cd player, trying to stay away from "Chinese" made product, my budget is limited to $500 to 1k. "Not giving any bad reputation to Chinese made gear" Good stuff but I want to stay american or european...

Best bang for the buck CD player, ok lets hear it.. Thanks guys! Oh and gals! lol
Hard to beat the Quad cdp-2 in that price range. Can be bought new for a little over $1K.
you would be suprised what is made in china, i give up, it all started many years ago with japanese tv , and now you can't buy a decent tv without it being japanese....better open up and consider, i own a raysonic cd 128, which come through canada, but i believe its assembled in china, i dont' care , for 1700.00, tube player, it's killer....sometimes you just have to go with the flow...