I wonder what you would think if we scheduled a monthly Zoom Meeting?

I was thinking about what it might be like if our discussion group scheduled a monthly Zoom Meeting?  This would allow everyone to finally put a face to a name and it might really allow everyone to be more interactive.  This might also allow our discussion group to take things to the next level.  We might also want to develop some rules of engagement.

I would like to hear your responses.  We can then weigh in to see if this might be something we might do.



Being that I'm rich, famous and extremely sexy I will require more info in order to properly ponder your post.



Good one DeKay.  I think you might be quite entertaining during our Zoom Meetings.  I get the feeling you like the idea.  Remember, this is totally voluntary and it is your choice to participate.  However, I do feel it would be a lot of fun to be able to talk to each other.  I also think this would stimulate people to share, teach and to learn.  There is a lot of talent to draw upon.  

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