
Here’s one person’s view on Roon, what’s yours? - 5:34 - 10:00.



@high-amp - yeah, but the Denafrips DACs definitely sound their best using an i2s connection, and using the Gaia allows me to use the clock sync from the DAC. 

The Sonore optical Rendu that I used before I got the Signature was the best bang-for-the-buck. The improvement to the Signature was pretty subtle, but I was using a linear power supply with the optical Rendu.

I also have an Auralic Vega G2 (in my bedroom system) and a bunch of Bluesound Node 2i boxes (used for background music in other rooms) connected to my network. It's great to be able to put multiple endpoints in a group and play the same music in different zones in my house. 

Roon is making it difficult to save Tidal and Qobuz albums.  When I try, it gives me a message that the album has been saved...but it hasn't.  Sometimes if I try multiple times, it saves.  Other times, it works if I switch to a different version of the same album--Tidal instead of Qobuz or vice versa for example.  Some albums are saved with no problems while others are impossible to save.  Others on the Roon message board report the same issue.  I hope Roon tech support reads these boards and fixed it!