High quality CDs

Where can I find CDs with high quality recording, specifically classical.. More than 50% of the CDs that I buy with classical music, sounds so anemic and noisy when you crank up. Any suggestions will be really helpful. I prefer physical format over streaming.. 


One other suggestion I can make in cases where someone has a great system but finds most recordings lacking is consider Ohm Walsh speakers. These do things totally differently. They present the music like a live performance on your room rather than as a conventional stereo speaker delivery of what is in the recording. These are for people who just want to enjoy all kinds of music effortlessly by placing the music in your room rather than just firing a recording at you.  It just might be the ticket a true music lover is looking for.   I have two pair in addition to others. 

I find that the Audiophiliac, Steve Guttenberg, often  reviews many a good sounding CD during his review of products on YouTube. 

But there are loads of used CDs on Amazon and other sites, and among those CDs plenty of Telarc.  And, strange to tell, owners of classical CDs tend to be gentler on their discs, so most are still in very good condition.