The New Western Electric WE91E 300B Integrated amp ?

Has anyone heard this amp yet ? This 300B amp has over 20 watts per channel ! and cost $13,500 !


It is supposedly made in-house in Georgia.  My local dealer will be carrying the amp as one of the first dealers. He got this privilege by being a big WE advocate that rebuilds WE amps and builds new amps with WE parts.  While I am not in the market for this amp, I will certainly give it a listen.

Per their website they assemble the 91E in the same Georgia facility that they hand make their 300B tubes in

There is no way you can get 20W from a pair of standard 300Bs. I owned a superb Mastersound 32B integrated that I used just as an amp that claimed 22 watts and it only really put out an acceptable 14. The 32B is a very hot 300B variant. At 20W I would guess well over 10% distortion for this amp.