I wonder what you would think if we scheduled a monthly Zoom Meeting?

I was thinking about what it might be like if our discussion group scheduled a monthly Zoom Meeting?  This would allow everyone to finally put a face to a name and it might really allow everyone to be more interactive.  This might also allow our discussion group to take things to the next level.  We might also want to develop some rules of engagement.

I would like to hear your responses.  We can then weigh in to see if this might be something we might do.


dekay, I didn't...and that's more than I needed to absorb into an image that I might observe anyway.... ;)

I use a Post-It, myself...color changes with mood.

One could post an avatar instead of a cam image.  One that could echo the tenor of the discussion on the virtual table....in constant 'morph-mode', constantly convulsing from one face to another....

One might want Scotch, f'sure.....neat, sweet. and refilled repeats. 


I live in the UK and have been looking for audio clubs to join where I can either meet up or take part in online meetings just to talk about hifi. I couldn’t find any, perhaps I don’t know where to look, but it’s what led me to join this site. I would happily join any discussion group, even if it’s just to listen to others experience with different media. For example I am a strictly digital guy, but I’m fascinated by everything hifi so enjoy hearing about any setup as one day I could venture into vinyl when I’ve completed my current setup.

I agree timezones would be something to overcome, but if it worked there could be groups based on location and also on subject to help focus the people choosing to attend.

If one got setup and I can make it then I’m game, additionally if anyone in the UK knows of any other groups let me know!


The silence is deafening, but the faces of the gathering is painful....

I once told a joke during during a Zoom meeting.
It wasn't remotely funny.

All the best.