Interested in finding a NAIM dealer on the east coast.

I'm in Saratoga County, in upstate NY. I left a VM for Naim North America early in the week, but no call back. I'm in the customer service industry, and I must confess that I have zero tolerance for this type of thing. So I figured I'd turn to my Audiogon brothers (and sisters) for some info (-: Cheers, Don


Good guys and gals over at AV Therapy for sure.   Bonus that there is no sales tax in NH so for me it’s worth the trip.   

The Naim 5si and its companion the cd 5si are very nice components which have both received very good reviews. I own both, still new in box plus Naim speaker cables. Got a very good deal from a place in Seattle Hawethorne Audio. I may sell them, not sure yet. Times are tough...

You could go to Naim's website, and use the Find a Dealer tab. Crazy idea, I know.

WorldWideStereo is here in Bucks County,PA,,,,about 30 minutes over the Jersey state line.  This place is a Mom and Pop shop since the 1970's. If you go this route ask for ADAM.  Much prefer these guys to Overture cause you can work a good discount.  Look in the Overture employee parking lot....all Audi, Porsche, Mercedes!! LOL  Asking for discounts will be met with terminal frowns.  I never accept less than 20% off MSRP