Recapping Krell FPB-Monoblocks - Need Advice

I have a flawless pair of original Krell FPB-350m’s I purchased from the original owner several years ago local to me. I am kind of on the fence as what to do, They definitely need a recap as one of them is heating up now and shuts off after 25-30 minutes. I’m debating recapping with upgrades or selling them as is and trying out Parasound JC-1’s or a Pass Labs X250.8. If I do recap them is there anyone in the western United States that can work on them? Krell is back east and wants $1300 per amp and I would have to pay shipping across the country. That would cost me around 3k. That seems quite high for a recap. Is there a dramatic difference sound wise when having these old amps rebuilt with modern caps?  If I do sell them as is what could I roughly expect to get out of them. I am clueless As to what they are worth? My system consist of Egglestonworks Andra II speakers and a AYRE K-1XE preamp. Any advice would be appreciated.

Hi, I have pair of 450mcx which I would like to recap, are all caps mention here would be the same parameters with 350?  



where did you get the information that recapping FPB monos is 2 hours per amp?? That's absurd!!! 2 hours is only to break down chassis components before even getting into circuit boards


Dear @boisehomes  : I'm with @kalali . Send it to Krell.

Thigs are that I own a 25+ years old Levinson 20.6 monobloks and I can tell you that today similar top amp designs are not and day better quality difference, overall are in the same league.


Well, even that my monobloks have not a sign of something wrong and only by common sense I decided to change the pair of electrolithic caps on each one.

My monobloks are not an easy task to handle due to its weigth but your Krells are even more weigthy and to move it ( only this ) a technician needs time to do it.

Anyway, I made the change with exactly the same caps Levinson used for the design: Vishay-Sprega. I did it with the same capacitance value, I could go a little higher in capacitance but I did not.

Well, this caps change was a " nigth and day " differences for the better, I was really surprised because I just did it to prevention but with out hoping of any improvement: WOW  ! ! 


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,



I dont know about your alternates but 80% of the time owners upgrade and sell anyway.