Has the cost of HiFi gotten a bit too much?

I don't have any specific example but just from looking at it overall, it seems like high-end components prices have really risen more than inflation.  

Or may be it is must me?



You may be right about new hifi brands-- I'm most certainly no expert. You neglect to  define what you mean by "normal" but it is still possible to buy gear from established companies (Marantz, Creek, Rega, Cambridge, for example) that is better than "consumer audio" but is not ultra expensive like Boulder, Gryphon, etc. 


My eight year old Marantz integrated cost me $2500.
My three year old Kinki integrated cost me $2000
My brand new Technics integrated cost me $2700, and it's lightyears ahead in tech
and features and bests both by more than a margin. 

Manufacturers are always aware of demographics and keep gear priced accordingly so I'd say that the price has not gotten out of hand, unless one is envious of and covets what others have and just can't afford it, for reasons they should discard. Be the fox with the sour grapes and enjoy what you have. 👍

All the best,


First: i know someone of my age that never owned a computer and trust only official TV news...

He is so lost about anything that it is impossible to discuss with him about what occur in the world... He cannot BELIEVE anything because the reality is so much incredible, that the sanitized version of event and the superficial one ONLY appear rational and not too frigthening for him... I understand that myself because what i learned is so disturbing even for me...


I know couple of people like this too.

One of them seems to be stuck in the 1980s, albeit an informed 1980s, but in the face of all this bewildering change his main response has been a deep longing for nostalgia.

The problem is, and I guess it always has been, is that once you get left behind by change and technology, it can be difficult to catch up again.

The sheer speed of recent change has been disorientating for many, to say the least, and comfortable certainty (community, employment, and finances etc) seems to be thing of the past.

Perhaps we all got just a little too complacent somewhere down the line?

Thankfully, many, many people, thanks largely to the internet, have to take control over their own health, finances and employment choices.

Reliance and trust in government, MSM and big pharma does seem to be gradually eroding.

Amen to that.


Today, in between Teams calls with folks around the world, I streamed a wide variety of the sweetest, most crystal clear music, much from Lee Ritenauer (sp). Possibly a master plot to control my destiny is underway, but I am going to focus on  life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If it all goes to hell, I can grow vegetables and fish in my lake for food- but I will sure miss that music. Chin up my friends; we are all going to be ok.