Americans seem to think that history starts when they arrive, or become aware of, or have some interest in an area of the world.
As I have said before, there are no good guys in Eastern Europe.
Stalin created a man-made famine in the early 30's that killed around 6 million in Ukraine. I can see why there is no love lost there.
In the early part of the invasion by Hitler, the folks in Ukraine greeted the Nazi as heroes / liberators. Helped in the round-up of the Jews. Even the SS complained about their brutality being 'messy'.
Ukrainians provided a significant percentage of guards at Nazi concentration / death camps. Goggle "John Demjanjuk".
Quite a few Ukrainians were captured fighting for the Germans in Normandy during D-Day.
My point is, things are complicated. Americans don't like complicated or shades of gray. We like everything in Black and white.
Of course it's always good to see the Russians getting their rear ends kicked.
Again, Ain't no good guys in eastern Europe. Certainly no one worth the life of even one American solider.