To echo Lapentas comments, I have reasons to believe that the stereotypical artifacts at the outer ends of the audible bandwitdh that were frequently associated with a number of older class D amps may not be necessarily reflected in recent designs based on much evolved power conversion modules, like the Ncore NC1200 by Hypex.
Case in point is the Merrill Veritas monoblock that I have just reviewed for Positive Feedback on issue No. 68:
Once the amps were properly broken in with 1,000 hours of active operations, I did not detect any musical bandwidth limitations, nor any stereotypical class D artifacts with Veritas.
Of course, there are other amps based on Ncore technology (such as Mola-mola Kaluga and ATSAH by Acoustic Imagery) , and other new class D modules other than the Ncore family (such as the Pascal modules). The examination of more examples of new class D amps should confirm or disprove my hypothesis of class D designs having now grown up into general musical adulthood.