Doping your fuse box

As part of improving power to my system and after installing a separate spur I came across two products to improve the separate fuse (junction) box for the spur:

Akiko Audio cylindrical fuse unit: a Siemens design with silver treated contacts, silver coated rod for Neutral and a ceramic fuse containing an Akiko Fuse Tuning Chip. This unit is best installed by a qualified electrician lest you know what you are doing around live mains. It has a major impact on lowering the noise floor, detail retrieval and impulse speed

Akiko Audio Fuse box Pro: attaches to the fuse box’ ground connection and removes hash from the system and substantially improves bass performance. Easily installed and one of the better value for money tweaks out there.

I cannot overemphasize the importance of optimum mains treatment. In big cities the amount of mains borne noise keeps increasing with the number of digital devices connected.

I have no association with the company, just a happy customer.


I have Akiko products. They work but I rent and share a house so messing with the electrical is not an option. Especially given that my neighbor below me is the landlord.

Goal Zero makes a very good sounding rechargeable battery driven generator. I believe that will be my go to option for cleaner electricity.


I've just managed to get an Akiko Audio Fuse Box Unit Pro.

Would this be best in the meter box (power enters property), or fuse box (power enters house)?

I'm also considering a fuse cartridge. Just for my system line on the fuse box.

So what would be the difference if you plugged the device into a wall outlet to your system rather than into the breaker box?. Using just the ground of course.

Also, anyone know who in the USA distributes the device?


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It is meant to get as close to the fuse box as possible connected to the ground/earth connection of your system. While I obviously defer to Akiko on how it actually works, I believe the purpose to be removal of ground distortions by piezoelectric (crystal) load. Let me know how you get on pls.